Welcome to Writing with Jesus

Writing with Jesus is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Hi! I’m Katie,

or Kathleen, depending on which friend you are or which document I'm signing.

I could tell you that I was one of those weird people who wanted even more higher education, an M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, after a bachelor's in psychology and creative writing. And that after those 7 long years of school, I'm a shrink at a private practice that I own and run, and my office really needs a makeover.

Or I could tell you that I'm a motivational speaker, having done 100+ presentations travelling around Florida, the U.S., and one time internationally, making people laugh and cry with the solitary ambition that someone in the audience leaves feeling more seen, heard, and hopeful than when they arrived. Sounds cool, but the free food makes it even cooler.

I could link my previous writing publications for magazines, websites, a local newspaper that took a chance passing off a teenager's summer job as professional journalism for two years in a row. Or maybe the various art galleries and exhibits that my watercolor paintings somehow weaseled their way into. Perhaps the address to my church or the improv comedy club where I’ve made a joyful fool of myself on stage, sometimes in the worst Russian accent anyone's ever heard.

I could tell you that I’m a wife, forever doing pushups to achieve strong arms, an often overlooked characteristic mentioned in Proverbs 31. That I’m a new mama, completely in love with my squishy Daisy Grace and her handsome daddy.

But let me try again.

Hi! I'm Katie and God made me! Jesus changed my whole little life. My favorite things are laughing and loving people. I no longer live but He lives in me. It’s all about Him. Let's grow up forevers and evers! 

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  • ALL OF THE ABOVE, and my sincere gratitude for giving so generously. You didn’t have to :) Praise Jesus.

With thanks, 2 Corinthians 13:14,

Katie Donohue Tona

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Where laughter is found, tears are shed, and faith is made steadfast. Writings on wrestling with God, motherhood, travel, and some comedy to lighten the mood.


Therapist by trade, writer at heart, wife, mama, but above all, His.